Find a critical article or a critical essay at the Cerro Coso Library for one of the short stories we read for this week.
In addition to searching the library's Catalog for an eBook, you should consider the following databases: Academic Search Complete, Artemis, Explora, JSTOR, MasterFILE complete. Be sure to view Cerro Coso's "Welcome to the Library" for a quick primer on how to use Cerro Coso's library.
Closely read your found article as well as its subject short story. Discuss the article's main points and comment on at least one of the ideas from this week's vocabulary list that the article touches upon.
Your initial post should begin with an MLA Works Cited entry of the article and an MLA Works Cited entry for the short story. It should be at least two paragraphs in length and should be posted by Thursday of this week. Be sure to return by the end of the day on Sunday to comment on at least two of your peer's discussions. Please review the rubric to guide your discussion and your responses.
Click the verticle ellipses (three dots) in the upper right corner to view the grading rubric attached to this activity.